Shift report is a convenient financial snapshot that collects information on revenue for a particular shift by categories and time of purchase, as well as summary information of all operators' shifts together and separately by hours they worked, revenue, which is also separated by goods and services, as well as bonus usage and refunds made.
You can generate a report for any time period, or for a preset week, month, quarter and year. You can also toggle between the “Shifts” and “Summary” tabs. And you can export the information from both tabs separately by clicking on the "Export to .CSV" button.
To view the Shift report go to the Analytics tab and select the Shift report tab.
Shift report shows the table of all operators’ (gaming center employees) cash shifts. It shows the start and end times of the shift, as well as the financial information. After expanding the shift card a detailed financial summary is displayed as well as the events and payments for the period.
After opening the page, select the specific time to display a list of shifts for this period. All employees' shifts are displayed by default, but you can select an employee from the drop-down list.
Shift card
To display a detailed report, you need to double-click on the line of the related shift. The shift card displays:
- Overall shift summary including:
- Employee;
- Revenue;
- Cash amount;
- Cash amount at the beginning of the shift;
- Time/date of the start and the end of the shift, as well as the amount of hours worked.
- Detailed information on revenue, including:
- Revenue for cash payments;
- Revenue for card payments;
- Revenue by categories: passes, goods, services and deposit replenishment.
- Bonus replenishment amount.
- Amount spent from clients' deposit accounts.
- Revenue graph - ratio of number and amount of sales to the time being on shift (date, time, amount and type of sale).
Also, in the card you can view events (logs) from the shift opening to its closing and the list of payments.
A summary report displays a summary table of all operators’ (gaming center employees) shifts. It shows the overall information of all employees and each employee individually by hours they worked, revenue, which is also separated by goods and services, as well as bonus usage and refunds made.