The functionality is available in Business subscription.
The Visitors report allows you to estimate how many unique clients or guests visited the gaming center, as well as how many new clients registered during the selected period. You can view the Visitors report by going to the Analytics tab and selecting the Visitors tab.
The graph can be viewed separately for unique visitors and new registrations or the data can be combined (1). You can also select a time period: day, week or month (2).
How to create the report
To view the report, specify the calculation period. It is a month by default.
After clicking on the "Create” button, the following data will be displayed in the report header:
- Total - number of visitors (unique clients + all guest sessions). Given the selected time period, the data of maximum and minimum number of visitors will be displayed.
- Clients - number of unique clients.
- Sessions - number of unique clients’ sessions.
- Guests - number of guest sessions.
A unique client is a registered visitor to your gaming center who is counted once during the analyzed period, regardless of the number of sessions played.
This means that, if you analyze a week and the client played in your gaming center on Saturday and Sunday, he will be counted only once. If the client played two sessions during the day, he or she will also be counted as one unique client.
A guest is an unregistered visitor of your gaming center. Unlike the unique client, the report includes all sessions of the unregistered visitor.
A new client is a visitor of your gaming center who registered during the selected time period. This client will be counted once during the analyzed period, regardless of the number of sessions played.
The table duplicates detailed information on visits (3).
To export the data, simply click on the "Export to .CSV” button.
To work with the exported file, import the data into any spreadsheet editing software you are comfortable working with.