The functionality is available in Business subscription.
The Gaming stations usage report shows the number of working hours of each gaming station, total session time, and revenue (both for the gaming station and total).
You can view the Gaming stations usage report by going to the Analytics tab and selecting the Gaming stations usage tab.
What tasks the report can solve:
- Effectiveness of gaming station usage evaluation. It helps you to improve resource allocation and decision making for expanding or changing the gaming stations configuration.
- Identifying potential problems or malfunctions in the operation of gaming stations. If the graph is below average value, it may be a sign that it is malfunctioning or does not meet the minimum requirements for the content being run on it.
- Identifying the most popular and unpopular zones or gaming stations of the gaming center.
Working with the report
To view the gaming stations usage, specify the calculation period. It is a month by default. After clicking on the "Create” button, the following data will be displayed in the report header:
- Total machine hours - maximum possible operating time of gaming stations, calculated as the total number of gaming stations multiplied by the number of hours.
- Total usage time - amount of time for all sessions in the gaming center with the percentage of machine hours.
- Total number of sessions - number of gaming sessions.
- Average duration of session - sum of the usage time of the gaming stations divided by the number of sessions.
- Revenue - total amount of money spent on sessions.
*The summary statistics in the report header will be displayed for the selected period for the whole gaming center.
The report can be created based on gaming stations or their groups, as well as individually based on revenue or usage time.
The graph shows the gaming stations usage data depending on the selected mode:
- On the X axis: name of the gaming station\zone.
- On the Y-axis: number of hours/maximum revenue.
Using the slider below the graph, you can change the scale of the displayed data.
The gaming stations table duplicates the detailed information for specific gaming stations or zones:
To export the data, simply click on the "Export to .CSV” button.
To work with the exported file import the data into a spreadsheet editing software that you are comfortable working with.
In the exported table all time values are displayed in seconds, to see the time in hours add additional columns and the formula =F5/3600