Learn more about how to limit a user's pranks.
Open the Settings tab in the additional menu and click ion the Security tab.
Hidden Disks
The client will not be available to open the selected local disks directly and from game launchers. We recommend setting the restriction only for the C:\ drive.
External Drives
If the setting is enabled, guests will not be able to access files on their personal external drives (hard disks, thumb drives, and phones).
Downloading Files
When this parameter is enabled, users will not be able to download files from Google Chrome in the Shell.
The setting allows you to prohibit opening unwanted windows (these can be browser search queries, Windows Explorer, or applications).
How to enable blocking
Specify the name and/or class of the window that you want to force to close to prevent clients from accessing unauthorized sites or important settings.
The window name is the title of the site displayed in the tab. If you want to restrict multiple sites at once with the same request, add an * at the beginning and end of the request.
In the screenshot, 3 different sites have a common query "SmartShell".
Then for blocking you need to add:
A window class is a set of attributes that the system uses as a template to create a window.
There are a large number of programs to determine the window class and name (for example: Au3info (https://autoit-script.ru/docs/intro/au3spy.htm) from the creators of the AutoIt scripting language).
Templates that we most often recommend:
Title | Class | What does it limit? |
Leave it blank | CabinetWClass | Opening Windows Explorer Windows |
*cmd | ConsoleWindowClass | Blocking the command prompt (and Windows PowerShell) |
Leave it blank | #32770 |
Open Windows\Save the file Attention: the PUBG launcher will no longer start |
*Microsoft Edge | Leave it blank |
Blocking browser opening |
*Content of C:/* | Leave it blank | Blocking the C:\ drive opening with a workaround |
These settings will keep your gaming center safe, but they may affect the launch of games and applications. If you need to fine-tune your security rules, you can contact our tech support team.