Information on all events is available in this block.
There is a separate tab for logs in the Main menu, you can get to Logs by clicking on the corresponding section.
Or by entering the corresponding link in your browser:
Home screen
Depending on the role settings, the logs display either all events or only the events of the current shift. If all events are accessible to an employee and a cash shift is open for them, they can toggle between log modes in the top right corner.
List of displayed events:
Computer power supply
The logs will tell us what manipulation was performed, when, and on which computer. -
Logs will tell which user the sale was made to, for how much and show additional information on discounts and promo codes used. -
After a successful cancelation, a corresponding log entry will appear: -
Manipulation with user sessions
Log entries will tell you the start/end of client sessions, and optionally the estimated time of termination. The logs also show information about users transferring from one computer to another.
Important to know:
The duration for tariffs lasting more than 1 day will show the duration until the end of the current day, but will actually run for as long as they should.
Database editing records
This category includes all changes of users and employees, tariffs, goods and services, discounts and promo codes, computers and other entities with indication of the time of change and a brief comment. -
Employee authorization data
All logins to employee accounts are recorded with the time of logon and manager's login. -
Cash shift status data
The start and end of the shift is also logged with the status of the cash register at the beginning of the shift and the time of the start/end of the shift.
Search line
The search line in the logs is universal.
You can view the history of a client, product, computer by entering the necessary word (case is important) into the search line, for example, the full phone number of a client, product name or computer name.