The main menu with all available functions includes:
- Dashboard;
- Computers and Map;
- Shop;
- Payments;
- Clients;
- Logs.
The main page of the Control Panel (billing), employees get to it after authorization. The Dashboard displays information about the active shift, such as active operator, revenue, bonus replenishments, spending from deposit, active and completed tasks, services rendered and goods sold, active users, account group and busy accounts.
You can read more about the dashboard here.
Computers and Map
In this block you can control the state of the game stations.
For each of the display types there is a separate tab in the Main Menu, you can switch to them by clicking on the corresponding name.
Or by clicking on the link:
- Table of computers:
- Map:
You can read more about the Computers and Map tabs here.
Booking system
In this block you can manage the booking status, view active sessions and bookings, as well as the reservations made online, and create new bookings.
Reservations will be displayed 12 hours in advance.
Reservations in SmartShell can be made enforceable by enabling the Strict Reservation setting.
You can read more about reservations here.
Block for editing goods and services for center clients. Available only when an active shift is open for the employee.
You can read more about the shop here.
The block allows you to work with cash transactions during a shift.
The tab displays the table of all cash transactions for the current shift. If the gaming center allows canceling a payment, this block shows the possibility to cancel the payment.
You can read more about payments here.
Block for working with the list of gaming center's users, editing their technical status, balance and personal discounts.
You can read more here.
In this block, the information for all events of the center is available.
You can use the search and filter to find the events you are looking for.
You can read more about logs here.